On a different note, I went to the center island of the big lake that I mentioned in a previous blog post. We had to take an hour bus to get to Gränna and then take a ferry to the island (Visingsö). It was so beautiful. We rented bikes and rode around the island, ate lunch, and went on a hike. I also got to see a castle! When we took the ferry back we visited candy cane shops because they are what Gränna is known for. The candy canes were so good!
The weather is already starting to get chilly here. I am not prepared for winter at all. When I was talking about the weather with a Swede they told me “there is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing.” So I am definitely going to have to go clothes shopping soon!
A challenge that I did not think about before coming here was having to use the metric system and temperature in Celsius. It has been one of the most confusing transitions. When someone asks me what the weather is like where I’m from and I say “around 80 degrees” they look at me like I’m crazy. Sierra and I also made homemade cookies last week and had to convert all the ingredients to deciliters and milliliters. It has been a struggle, but I guess if a change in measurements has been the worst thing I’ve had to adapt to, then it’s been a pretty good trip.
Here are some pictures of Visingsö. Thanks for reading!!
Accounting major Arielle Amburn is spending the Fall 2018 semester in Sweden with our U of A Exchange program at Jonkoping University.
Read more from Arielle at https://ariellessemesterabroad.wordpress.com/
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