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16 August 2017

ARGENTINA 2016-2017 #HogsAbroad #APIStudyAbroad

I spent 11 months (basically a year!) studying abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina. And it definitely changed my life. I was there long enough to experience many exhilarating moments and many monotonous daily routines. And I became so involved in the culture and community that I often faced some deeply rooted cultural differences that sometimes resulted in painful clashes. But all of these experiences, good and bad, resulted in some massive changes in my perspective of myself and the world/people around me. 

When I think about the most impactful moments of my time in Argentina, I usually some it up into three categories: Travel, People, and Daily Life.
TRAVEL: Argentina is so big. Big enough to have just about every natural landscape a common person could think of, and I was fortunate enough to be able to experience many of them. I saw huge sub-tropical waterfalls (Iguazu Falls), the desert-like Northern Argentina, artistic mountains, the beach, rivers, prairies and flat lands, swampy marshes, giant glaciers, lakes, and even a little lighthouse sitting on a rock at “The End of the World.”

PEOPLE: While in Argentina, I joined the local Salvation Army church, where I made lots of friends and really became part of the community. The church and the people I met there became my anchor and my family and home away from home. And among them is definitely where I learned the most… in the hardest and the most fun ways!!!

DAILY LIFE: Daily life, even the monotonous parts, was NOT a drag! Not in the city. :) At first, yes, the city gave me quite a shock coming from our quaint Northwest Arkansas, but I soon got used to it and took advantage even. The architecture is beautiful and also very unique to Buenos Aires; I could never forget it and easily recognize it on any movie screen. I also really enjoyed the freedom and entertainment available in the city. By just charging up your public transportation card, you could get anywhere by bus, subway, or train and have endless possibilities for exploration and adventures. I will always call NWA home…but I think I have become a city girl ;)

Kimberly, Anthropology major, studied abroad with API in Buenos Aires, Argentina: Universidad de Belgrano, Argentine & LatinAmerican Studies

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