What a wonderful world that we live in that I am not only able to communicate through a device, but I can get Wi-fi on an airplane!! I still remember when that was definitely not the case and you were stuck with books, CD players, and sleep! Talk about an insanely long 9-hour flight!
So far I have met I think 6 other girls that are also in my program which is comforting when you’re literally leaving the country with no one that you know previously. All of them are super sweet and we are already talking about all of the gelato places to go to and the sights to see! London we have half of a day of guided tours and the rest of the day to ourselves so I have a couple of spots picked out that I want to hit up! (Tea isn’t on the list… sorry I can’t stand it, but I might eat a scone!)
I will be linking my outfit details when I get better Wi-fi, hey it’s in the air it isn’t going to be perfect, but you can check out where to get my luggage under, “Things I’ve Bought Recently” section in the scrolling picture box! So far I have loved everything about them and they hold SO MUCH STUFF!
Okay time for me to go to bed even though my body thinks it is time to watch a movie lol gotta love time change! Check back soon for some London updates and my tips and tricks of an over night flight!
Read more from Alexa at http://alexamclain.com/
To find out more about the AIFS Study Abroad in Florence program, check out http://www.aifsabroad.com/italy/florence/