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16 January 2019

Deer Genetics #HogsAbroad in New Zealand

It is January 5th and we went to see Deer Genetics NZ. It was incredible! They breed and raise red deer (Cervus elaphus) and are the largest exporter of deer genetics in the world. They primarily focus on trophy production, raising deer with massive and stunning antlers and selling them as breeding stock, with many going to Texas. To give you an idea of how prized these deer are, a three year old sold for $95,000 NZD last year!

Antlers are also harvested while in velvet, typically twice, between 55 and 60 days of growth. These antlers can sell for $130 NZD a kilo and typically go to China and Korea. The deer must be sedated when the antlers are harvested at this stage because growth is still underway. The antlers contain blood and removing them without sedation can hurt the animal. They are taken down to about an inch or two, with the remaining antler being called a button. This will continue to velvet and then fall off like normal at the end of the season.

Antlers are also removed to prevent fighting. During antler growth the deer become very docile. This is because their testosterone is at its lowest.

Unlike our region of the US, the deer on this farm are domesticated and in large paddocks which are quarantined. The deer are artificially inseminated in order to promote the genes they select as superior. The antler size on these deer was truly incredible. Our elk have some competition!

These deer are still in velvet but you can still tell that these guys will have huge antlers if left to grow.

– Austin Wise

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