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31 August 2018

Reflections from Down Under #HogsAbroad in Australia

Students from the 2018 Trekking Australia program reflected on their experience abroad.

Due to the wonderful opportunities presented during this trip, I increased my professional skills in the area of interpersonal communication. As the Teaching/Graduate Assistant for this course, I was challenged mentally, physically, and emotionally to put forth my best efforts to ensure the best possible program experience for myself and the other students. I really enjoyed all of the animal interactions that were included in this adventure. The quality and quantity were astounding. There truly are not enough good things to say about this program!
Lesleigh Beer
M.S. student, Poultry Science

I had such a good time Trekking Australia with friends and classmates. I will forever be grateful for the opportunity to study abroad and to learn more about myself and other cultures. Because of this trip abroad, I have been introduced to people with both similar and different mindsets from me. I have learned how culture can shape viewpoints and how where you come from impacts who you become. It was very interesting to see this in place while in Australia. My favorite part of the trip was our last day in Australia. The entire group had such a fun time together on Magnetic Island. It was great to make memories together!

As I reflect back on the once in a lifetime trip I just completed I realized what an impact it has been on my Animal Science career. I gained leadership skills, like minded friends, and most importantly local connections. From visiting universities, farms, or just meeting people hanging out in the hotel lobby all these connections are what made my trip a great value to my education. The trip was very diverse and I loved every minute of it, but my favorite part would have to be getting to see some local livestock and visiting with a farmer! I can’t begin to describe how appreciative I am to have gotten the opportunity to attend this trip. 

The Trekking Australia journey is definitely one anyone should get the pleasure of experiencing, and it was spectacular that I got to join such a great group of people who had superb interests and energy. It was a childhood dream of mine to visit Australia and this was the best way to experience it all from beginning to end. Because of this trip, I had the opportunity to explore a culture so similar, yet so different and fascinating. Harboring similar traditions to America, but because of the geographical location, adapting and developing right around it, making it their own. My favorite part of the trip was in the beginning when we were in Brisbane, the city is very alive, and the eco-friendly implementation with their lifestyle has seriously made me consider it a main hub for my studies there in the future! I couldn’t have asked for a better place and group myself.

This program provided me the opportunity to further my study of wildlife and ecosystems. As a biology major, I am specifically interested in field work and ecosystems. I find that the best way to learn about nature is to jump right in and study hands on, surrounded by the sites that you may read about in a textbook. Australia’s unique environment and fauna were fascinating, and I will never forget the wildlife interactions we were able to have.

My favorite part of this trip was our day at the Reef HQ aquarium. Learning about Great Barrier Reef management from experts was an invaluable learning opportunity. Snorkeling in their living coral reef aquarium was a beautiful experience, and I finally “duck dived” under the surface for the first time!
Savannah Seupaul
Undergraduate, Biology

While in Australia, I had numerous experiences that I could not have had anywhere else in the world. We were taught about the many unique animals, some of which can only be found there. Throughout the excursion, we also found that we learned more about the Australian way of life and culture from the locals. One of my favorite nights included an hour long conversion with a hotel and restaurant owner with whom we swapped stories. It was very enjoyable to see how they compared and contrasted with people who the other side of the world (literally!).

I will start off by saying that this trip was an incredible adventure! I learned much more in two weeks than I expected about Australian wildlife and what it is like to raise livestock in Australia. For example, I learned that (unlike wolves) dingoes are capable of learning how to read hand signals and have been living among the Aborigines for thousands of years. In addition, studying abroad has provided me with the opportunity to become more independent and self confident. I was also able to build relationships with my fellow classmates who came from a variety of majors with different interests. This was definitely an experience that I will never forget!

Emily Gentles
Due to the meaningful interactions on this trip with my peers, composed of people from many different disciplines, I was able to see how information is processed by people from diverse academic backgrounds. My peers and I differed greatly in our first observations of new animals and settings, in the questions we wanted to ask, and in the connections we made between our existing knowledge and the new ideas presented to us. I am grateful to have had such a diverse experience and am happy to have made new friends! Aside from my classmates, I particularly enjoyed feeding and holding all of the animals we met!

Olga Brazhkina
Going to Australia was an amazing adventure I will never forget. Because of this trip I was able to bond with my classmates that are from a wide variety of backgrounds, which really pushed me personally. Interacting with Australian wildlife was by far my favorite activity of this study abroad experience, in particular getting to snorkel among native species of fish and corals was phenomenal. I am so grateful for the wonderful and unique culture I got to see first hand and for all the friendships formed on this adventure. Hopefully, I will visit again one day, but for now goodbye!
Read more from the 2018 Trekking Australia students at
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