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28 June 2017

More Click, Less Pop #HogsAbroad in Germany

Flying in planes is a lot of fun, especially with window seats. Feeling the rush of taking off and seeing the beauty of passing through the clouds is a rare experience, and a breathtaking one.

But for me, flights aren’t always about the takeoff and the clouds, or the cute baby that is waving at me, or the flight attendant that lets me have a free water, even though technically they cost two Euro. Flights are about the series of pops that I know I’m about to feel.

Except, my ears don’t really pop, at least not every time. It’s more like a click, like they were close but not quite, or like they gave popping a shot and then gave up. So I sit, through the clicks, as the pressure keeps building until finally the yawn or the gum breaks through and I feel the relief: pop.
Flights scare me sometimes. They are breathtaking and beautiful and exciting, but there’s always this feeling of nervous uncertainty before I board. What if this flight, they don’t pop. What if the cabin loses pressure, and my ears can’t handle it? Praise God, that’s never happened, and Lord willing, it never will. I just can’t shake the fear.

My ears have been popping during this flight, glory to God, and they’ve popped plenty. I’ve been enjoying the clouds and the German ground below so neatly divided into rivers and forests and fields of crops. I’ve been looking forward to landing in a dream- Berlin- and the adventure that is to come.
Hopefully, there are more pops and less clicks in my future, too.
Follow Hunter as he studies business in Germany at
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