Study Abroad Program Models
There are two basic program types available for students to use: University of Arkansas administered programs and external provider programs. Below is a breakdown of student options:
U of A Rome Center
Founded as a center for architectural studies in 1989, the Rome Center now serves the full University of Arkansas community, offering a varied curriculum in U of A classes. Read more....
U of A Faculty-Led Programs
Directed by U of A faculty who travel with students, these short-term programs offer experiences that help to make study abroad more possible logistically and financially for more students. Read more....
U of A Exchange Programs
U of A students exchange places with a student from one of our partner universities in Europe, Asia and Australia for a summer, semester or a year while paying U of A tuition, making these programs a very affordable way to go abroad. Read more....
Internships, Research and Independent Study Opportunities
U of A students work in close cooperation with faculty willing to supervise and assess their work for academic credit to offer hands-on immersive experiences in businesses, labs, and research institutions around the world. Read more....