Barcelona was an awesome city. People are out at all hours of the night and the Spanish culture in general is very easy to get along with (and the fact that I can actually read words in a language I’m somewhat familiar with). After some fun in Barcelona we went to Valencia. The weather was absolutely perfect and a good pick me up after this cold weather in Prague.
I met some awesome guys there as well; Jonny (pronounced yon-nee), Adam, Michael, and Cameron. Jonny and Adam are from Sweden but live in Valencia and run pub crawls and walking tours along with Cameron who is from Scotland. Michael is from England and had moved to Valencia after his service in the British Army. They were very welcoming guys and a lot of fun to be around. After two days there we finished our trip in Madrid.
There we had some rainy weather but we made the best of it and went to a massive art museum for most the day. There we also met Mike from New York. Just a 28 year old in an 18 year olds body who’s a business man that really loves to travel. I think Cole and I brought some nostalgic feelings for him from the “good ‘ol college days” because he really liked hanging out with us, as did us with him.
After a long week we made our way back to Prague and are here for the weekend. The semester is coming to and end which sucks, but I’m also excited to see my family. Miluji tě matr, otec, a Rosalyn.
One last trip, Milan.
Read more from Corey at https://coreyinprague.wordpress.com/
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