Believe it or not, I came to Newcastle to spend a semester at the university here. It is study abroad, isn't it?

So, week one of uni is done, and it wasn't entirely what I expected. On the first day, I had the same nerves that I did on my first day at the U of A, but after my first class began, that all dissipated and I got to start really experiencing life as a uni student in Australia.
First, before you ask why my week is already over, I only go to class Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Australian university courses are much more self-directed, so much of the learning happens through projects, reading, and research.
I am taking 4 courses while I am here--Film and Television Studies, Schooling, Identity, & Society, Australian Pop Culture, and K-6 Science and Technology. From what I can tell so far, I really am going to enjoy each one of them.
There are a few differences between the U of A and the UON that have surprised me.
- The campus here is enormous. I'm used to a big campus, but I swear, this is like two different campuses squished together.
- Courses are broken down into 2 parts: lectures and tutes (tutorials) or workshops. You attend each part just once a week.
- I DON'T HAVE TEXTBOOKS. I have $15 course readers for two classes, and a couple novels for another. Living. The. Dream.
So far, so good, I'd say! And there's plenty of time for me to explore
this awesome country. I think on Friday I'm going to go to a reserve
here to see some more Aussie animals!
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