2012-2013 Boren Awards Applications Now Available
Gilman Scholarship Info Meetings September 8 & September 12
Hogs Abroad 101 Sessions
Annual Study Abroad Fair September 22
Get Connected with Our Office
2012-2013 Boren Awards Applications Now Available. David L. Boren Scholarships and Fellowships provide funding opportunities for U.S. undergraduate and graduate students to study in Africa, Asia, Central & Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East, where they can add important international and language components to their educations. The awards are an initiative of the National Security Education Program (NSEP). For more information, visit: http://www.borenawards.org/
Boren Fellowships Deadline: January 31, 2012
Boren Scholarships Deadline: February 9, 2012 (Campus deadline: late January)
Gilman Scholarship Info Meeting September 8 & September 12. Come find out more about this great study abroad scholarship for students and get tips on perfecting your application. This scholarship is open to undergraduates who are United States citizens, receiving a Federal Pell Grant at the time of application or during the term of study abroad, and participating in a study abroad program that is no less than 4 weeks. Awards are generally $3,000 for a summer and $5,000 for a semester/year. For application procedures visit http://www.iie.org/gilman.
The meeting will be held on Thursday, September 8th from 4:30-5:30pm in the Foreign Language Lab, J.B. Hunt room 207.
For those unable to make it to the first meeting, we will be hosting another Gilman Scholarship info meeting on Monday, September 12, 2011 from 4:30-5:30pm in JBHT 207.
Hogs Abroad 101 Sessions. Looking for a place to start your study abroad journey? Consider attending one of our Hogs Abroad 101 Sessions. The info sessions are offered once a week on alternating Tuesdays and Wednesdays throughout the semester and last approximately 45 minutes. All sessions will take place at 4pm in the Foreign Language Lab, J.B. Hunt 207. Please check our website calendar (http://studyabroad.uark.edu/Calendars_and_Deadlines.html) for future dates.
Annual Study Abroad Fair September 22. Mark your calendars! The annual Study Abroad Fair is going to be held from 10:00am-2:00pm on Thursday, September 22nd, 2011 in the Union Connections Lounge. Come meet with faculty, past participants, and program representatives. Get information on UA faculty led programs, exchange programs, approved non-UA programs, scholarships, and other funding information. Programs are available for all majors. Start making your dreams a reality! http://studyabroad.uark.edu/studyabroadfair.html
Get Connected with Our Office. Join us on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/UARKstudyabroad) and/or Twitter (http://twitter.com/UARKstudyabroad) to stay up-to-date on deadlines, events, and other useful information. Visit our blog (http://studyabroadarkansas.blogspot.com) featuring study abroad students writing about their experiences abroad.