" Welcome to Japan!!"
14 hours totaled... As I sat on the plane, I felt so nauseous and super jet lagged, yet it felt like I've been on the plane since forever...
Getting off the plane, I was super nervous. I had to navigate through most of the locations on my own, at the same time I was a super confused foreigner that was constantly claimed as a Japanese person. I thought it was funny pretending to play the role as one as well. ahaha
That night, I felt really weird being in Japan, as a matter of fact I didn't really know if I was really in Japan or not. It seems as if reality was too surreal to be considered as reality. As a curious kid, I wandered around the room discovering new things. In Japan, I've come to realized that everything is small and compact. The rooms aren't as spacious as in America, not to mention that the toilets were extremely different; I learned that when the water squirted on me. -_-

The next day finally arrived when we met the Japanese crew. I was really nervous, yet the time arrived when I met Issac and Jordan from our school. Eguchi San, the Japanese student exchange Advisor greeted me and then introduced me to everyone. Everyone seemed so friendly! :D
After the greetings, we were then guided to our dorms which was approximately 2 hours away from the airport. As soon as we were situated, we were escorted around to our dorm rooms, and finally settled down for the night. Everyone was so exhausted from the long day.
Before I left America, I installed many free phone applications to use when I go to Japan, thinking that my iphone would be quite useful when I am in Japan. Yet, it was useless, not to mention I couldn't even text nor call in Japan. Well, it's ok I guess, because I had originally planned to buy a phone in Japan anyways.. After all, I still have internet that I could get on when I'm free right? After we were situated, and we had our free time to rest, I instantly turned on my computer to get internet... Yet, it turns out there was no wifi!! WHAT???!!! D: Ok, they told us that there would be internet in the study room across from our rooms. I went there, but in the end the internet was enable to work. AHHH, a depressed moment eh??! Oh well, they'll get it fixed tomorrow is what we all thought...
For the past 2 days, everything was so hectic... Yet, I'm not talking about disorganized hectic, it's more of like a foreign feeling "CRAZINESS." Every single day, we had to use Japanese language like no other days I have had in America. We were speaking Japanese, being spoken to in Japanese, seeing Japanese, reading Japanese... It was actually tooooo much to absorbed within a day. I felt extremely exhausted and perhaps even frustrated. :'( Now, I actually even come to know how exchange students actually feel now- now that I'm in their situation.
One of the important things that I'm slowly coming to realize as I am living here in Japan day by day is that I really miss my hometown in USA. As much as I'm enjoying the new experience, eating new food, meeting new people, gaining many new information day by day, I still miss my hometown, my University, my family, my friends, my person. I guess it's normal to be nostalgic right? After all, I've been in America my entire life.. Then again, I think I must be too spoiled.
With 2 days of not having internet, with 5 days of not having any texts, I almost could not endure it! Everything is indeed different in Japan, one of the most difference is actually transportation and expenses. As much as I hate driving, I am coming to appreciate how everything was so close when I lived in the US, I barely had to drive so far.. Here in Yokohama, people walk everywhere, not to mention "Ojisans"- 70 years old Grandpas and Grannies ride their bikes around everywhere. I feel so out of shape !! HAHA. For expenses wise, I'm spending money like I'm throwing money out my window.. -_- It's ridiculous! I haven't spent anything for my own interests, these are all for food and necessities.
Yet, I'm not posting about my complaints of Japan and how I regret living here. As a matter of fact, I feel my purpose for coming here: TO BE PRODUCTIVE/LEARN. In the beginning, I was thinking that maybe I could goof off and it'll be ok. I was thinking that it wasn't really taken so seriously, and it was mostly depended on your effort. Yet, now I come to realize that they chose us to come here for a reason, and GOOFING OFF doesn't come close to being in the category. As a matter of fact, we even have a curfew: 10:30pm. Crazy ne?? Yet, I think I will learn so much from here. I think I will come to adapt to the situations that I am situated in, not to mention that I will be much more independent than I ever was, maybe a level higher from Fayetteville. kkk Lastly, I think I will form memorable memories no matter what. Already, one of the people that I loved the most and will appreciate from the beginning until the end is my conversational partner. She has helped me OH SO MUCH- in a sincere manner. I really love her and would not trade anyone even with the chance... :)
Ok, well... I guess it's now time to end it here. I am enjoying many things, places, food. I'm gaining much more experiences that I had ever hoped for, not to mention how grateful I am for the given

chance. Until then, I'll keep you posted on my Journey to Japan. I really love and miss you all.

14 hours totaled... As I sat on the plane, I felt so nauseous and super jet lagged, yet it felt like I've been on the plane since forever...
Getting off the plane, I was super nervous. I had to navigate through most of the locations on my own, at the same time I was a super confused foreigner that was constantly claimed as a Japanese person. I thought it was funny pretending to play the role as one as well. ahaha
That night, I felt really weird being in Japan, as a matter of fact I didn't really know if I was really in Japan or not. It seems as if reality was too surreal to be considered as reality. As a curious kid, I wandered around the room discovering new things. In Japan, I've come to realized that everything is small and compact. The rooms aren't as spacious as in America, not to mention that the toilets were extremely different; I learned that when the water squirted on me. -_-
The next day finally arrived when we met the Japanese crew. I was really nervous, yet the time arrived when I met Issac and Jordan from our school. Eguchi San, the Japanese student exchange Advisor greeted me and then introduced me to everyone. Everyone seemed so friendly! :D
Before I left America, I installed many free phone applications to use when I go to Japan, thinking that my iphone would be quite useful when I am in Japan. Yet, it was useless, not to mention I couldn't even text nor call in Japan. Well, it's ok I guess, because I had originally planned to buy a phone in Japan anyways.. After all, I still have internet that I could get on when I'm free right? After we were situated, and we had our free time to rest, I instantly turned on my computer to get internet... Yet, it turns out there was no wifi!! WHAT???!!! D: Ok, they told us that there would be internet in the study room across from our rooms. I went there, but in the end the internet was enable to work. AHHH, a depressed moment eh??! Oh well, they'll get it fixed tomorrow is what we all thought...
For the past 2 days, everything was so hectic... Yet, I'm not talking about disorganized hectic, it's more of like a foreign feeling "CRAZINESS." Every single day, we had to use Japanese language like no other days I have had in America. We were speaking Japanese, being spoken to in Japanese, seeing Japanese, reading Japanese... It was actually tooooo much to absorbed within a day. I felt extremely exhausted and perhaps even frustrated. :'( Now, I actually even come to know how exchange students actually feel now- now that I'm in their situation.
One of the important things that I'm slowly coming to realize as I am living here in Japan day by day is that I really miss my hometown in USA. As much as I'm enjoying the new experience, eating new food, meeting new people, gaining many new information day by day, I still miss my hometown, my University, my family, my friends, my person. I guess it's normal to be nostalgic right? After all, I've been in America my entire life.. Then again, I think I must be too spoiled.
With 2 days of not having internet, with 5 days of not having any texts, I almost could not endure it! Everything is indeed different in Japan, one of the most difference is actually transportation and expenses. As much as I hate driving, I am coming to appreciate how everything was so close when I lived in the US, I barely had to drive so far.. Here in Yokohama, people walk everywhere, not to mention "Ojisans"- 70 years old Grandpas and Grannies ride their bikes around everywhere. I feel so out of shape !! HAHA. For expenses wise, I'm spending money like I'm throwing money out my window.. -_- It's ridiculous! I haven't spent anything for my own interests, these are all for food and necessities.
Yet, I'm not posting about my complaints of Japan and how I regret living here. As a matter of fact, I feel my purpose for coming here: TO BE PRODUCTIVE/LEARN. In the beginning, I was thinking that maybe I could goof off and it'll be ok. I was thinking that it wasn't really taken so seriously, and it was mostly depended on your effort. Yet, now I come to realize that they chose us to come here for a reason, and GOOFING OFF doesn't come close to being in the category. As a matter of fact, we even have a curfew: 10:30pm. Crazy ne?? Yet, I think I will learn so much from here. I think I will come to adapt to the situations that I am situated in, not to mention that I will be much more independent than I ever was, maybe a level higher from Fayetteville. kkk Lastly, I think I will form memorable memories no matter what. Already, one of the people that I loved the most and will appreciate from the beginning until the end is my conversational partner. She has helped me OH SO MUCH- in a sincere manner. I really love her and would not trade anyone even with the chance... :)
Ok, well... I guess it's now time to end it here. I am enjoying many things, places, food. I'm gaining much more experiences that I had ever hoped for, not to mention how grateful I am for the given
chance. Until then, I'll keep you posted on my Journey to Japan. I really love and miss you all.