If you’re anything like me, you enjoy the comforts of home and familiarity. Before studying abroad, I had never been out of the country. For most people, their first time out of the country would not be for five straight months and 4,000 miles away. However, I had always dreamt about traveling the world since I was little.
I studied Sociology in Brighton, England for the entire spring semester. In preparation to leave for my study abroad experience, I had rose colored glasses of what my time would be like overseas. The initial culture shock was almost too much for me to bear when I first stepped onto English soil. No one had warned me of the small but very important differences in cultures before my experience abroad. Between the differences in food, everyday interactions, and classes I was completely overwhelmed in my first few weeks. At one point in time we all get a feeling of homesickness being away from what is familiar, whether it just be missing home cooked meals or friends. Eventually, I learned to adapt to my new surroundings and ultimately grew to love where I was at. The accessibility of facetime and texting eased all my feelings of homesickness. Even though I finally felt excited and comfortable where I was, homesickness comes in waves. No one discusses the highs and lows that come with studying abroad. For me, the lows were extremely low due to an increasing desire to be home and surrounded by familiar things. However, the highs were amazing and in those moments I never wanted to come home.
Every trip I went on, distracted me from thinking of home and brought me out of my comfort zone. In total I got to travel to France, Italy, Spain, Scotland, Greece, and Ireland.
Studying abroad challenged me to learn more about myself in so many different ways. I have learned to be more independent while also enjoying spending time by myself. After the homesickness started to subside, I realized the importance of staying in the moment and to take as many pictures as I can! Throughout my study abroad experience I got to take a trip to Scotland, Ireland, France, Spain, Italy, and Greece! If I had let the feelings of homesickness take over me, I would not have been able to enjoy my experience to the fullest extent. Remember that homesickness comes in waves for many people, to live in the moment, and take every opportunity at your fingertips.