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22 February 2021

A Musical Memory from Spain #StudyAbroadDay #HogsAbroad

During my time abroad, I took a weekend trip with my friends to Cádiz, a coastal city in southwestern Spain. On our way into the city, we passed by a guitar shop beneath the apartment building we were staying in. Though I had no intention making a purchase, I found myself wandering inside. Traditional Spanish guitars lined the walls and every surface in the cramped space. I was in awe—I had never seen such stunning, detailed work. As we turned to leave, the luthier, Fernando, emerged from his private workshop. He spoke no English, so we conversed in Spanish. He shared with us how he loved making guitars but never learned how to play in his 40 years of work. My friend mentioned how I like to play guitar—next thing I knew, I was being invited to play one of his priceless guitars! Fernando quickly arranged an area for me to play while my friends sang along. To this day, it is one of my most favorite memories. It’s incredible to think that I would have never had that opportunity if I hadn’t decided to study Spanish. I am so grateful for study abroad!


--Bridget Wells, class of 2021 (B.S. Nursing & B.A. Spanish), Summer 2019 #GilmanScholar

Learn more about the Gilman Scholarship.

Learn more about Bridget's Faculty-Led: Spanish in Madrid program.

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