Anyway, Patrick and I met up for breakfast because I hadn’t gone grocery shopping yet so I had no food to eat in the morning and today was his last day here. Once we got breakfast we ran a few errands to try and make my life a little easier and got me some new pillows to replace the horrible ones I was given with my apartment, a little mirror for my desk and a sketchbook (because my mom had the idea that during my free time I could sketch a little and I plan on spending some time to myself sketching things around Rome. We’ll see how rusty my drawing skills are, but if any turn out halfway decent maybe I can share a few on here).
Next came grocery shopping, which I’m not going to lie, I didn’t enjoy in America, but I enjoy far less in Italy. It’s incredibly difficult to shop for yourself when you hardly cook for yourself as it is so you don’t know what to get in the first place and then once you actually figure out what you want, you can’t find the ingredient because you’re in an Italian grocery store that has nothing translated and a lot of things look the same as others. So after stressing out about how to shop at an Italian grocery store, Patrick and I came back to my apartment, dropped all my groceries off and I slowly began to crash. I hadn’t eaten much in a while, I was exhausted due to lack of sleep and it was all catching up with me.
We decided our plan would be to find something for lunch, get cannoli (because why not? Cannoli is great and we haven’t had any yet) and then go back to the hotel one more time where it’s a little quieter and take a short nap. We ended up getting a little bit of pizza, each had a fantastic cannoli and then went back to the hotel and took a well needed nap. From there we decided we would have one more nice dinner together and see the Vatican and Colosseum one more time for Patrick before he leaves. So we did exactly that.
The Vatican is absolutely beautiful all lit up at night and so we sat and admired it for a bit and then hit the Colosseum as well. In the picture I’ll include of me at the Vatican you may notice I’m sporting a “Roma, Italia” sweatshirt, which probably couldn’t make me look like more of a tourist if I tried, but I bought it today for very cheap and I’m glad I did because it gets a little chilly at night and today I was too distracted by being exhausted to grab a sweater before going out. But that’s okay. I just look far from what a native of the city would look like. I don’t really know how I’m feeling now considering today was my last day with Patrick here and I don’t really know anyone else, but tomorrow I’ll be getting together with some of the other people in my program and finding things to do. It’ll definitely be new and interesting for me, but we’ll see how it goes. Updates will follow tomorrow!

Read more from Jenna at https://jeninrome.wordpress.com/
Check out http://studyabroad.uark.edu/romecampus for more information on the U of A Rome Center: Summer Campus.