I haven’t had too much energy or much of an appetite, but we’ve tried our best to stay active today. We went and saw the Colosseum, went and walked around Villa Borghese (basically the Central Park of Rome), walked down Via Del Corso (basically the Champs Elyesee of Rome) where I got to go into the Roman Disney Store, ate dinner on Via Veneto and saw the American Embassy and Hard Rock Cafe Rome as well.
I don’t really know how I’m feeling right now to be honest. I want to be excited to be here, but at the same time I’m so overwhelmed and jetlag definitely isn’t helping. I somehow managed to forget my shampoo and that made me far more upset than it should have, but I’m hoping within the next few days I’ll become a little more adjusted and feel good about being here. My mom sent little things to open on certain dates which is always a nice thing to look forward to and I got to open my first one today. That’s really all I have for today, but I’ll be sure to post again soon! Bye for now!

Check out http://studyabroad.uark.edu/romecampus for more information on the U of A Rome Center: Summer Campus.