So today was my first day of class here and it was interesting to say
the least. I think this class is way more than I was expecting it to be,
which scares me a little, but I’m hoping it’ll be alright. Tomorrow I
won’t have class because it’s a Roman holiday, so we have the day off,
but that means I have to find something to do. Which is tougher than it
sounds unfortunately, but maybe I’ll just try to adventure around a bit.
The boys from ISU will probably be around to spend time with, but my
roommates and the girls they spend time with are all taking a super
earlier train to go hiking and to the beach somewhere I’ve never heard
of. I might just make the day my own though, we’ll see. It’s really
tough to make friends for me here because cliques have kind of already
been established and I don’t fit into any of them somehow. I don’t want
to miss out on going to do things, but it’s also really sad to do them
alone. I miss being able to talk to people. It’s fine and all, but just a
little lonely. But I also want to be able to do the things I want to
do, I don’t want to just follow other people’s plans just so I have
people to be around. I just feel really conflicted regarding all of
that. That was quite a tangent though, oops.
After I got back from class
I had breakfast and just chilled around my apartment for a little while
until I realized how tired I was, so I took a nap since I had the
apartment to myself. When I woke up I just sat around a little longer
trying to figure out what to do to myself, but in the meantime I got to
talk to a friend from home which was very nice. I finally decided I
would walk to the park down the street from me and sketch for a little
while. I didn’t really know what to sketch because I haven’t drawn in a
really long time so I just started off simple. I’ll post the picture on
here because that’s the only picture I took today.
When I got back from
the park, one of the guys from ISU came over and spent some time just
hanging around here and we tried to figure out our weekend, which is
probably going to be a trip to Venice! I hope all works out with that,
but we’ll see and I’m sure I’ll let y’all know once I know! I made
myself pasta for dinner and the rest of the evening I’ve been talking to
friends from home which was fantastic because I missed them so much and
I’ve been hanging around a bit with my roommates here.
I guess I’ll
figure out what I’m doing tomorrow once I get up, but I don’t know where
the day is going to take me. Maybe an adventure will take place. That’s
all I hope for! Until tomorrow–arrivederci! (I never know how to end
these so I’m kinda trying to keep them similar like a signature or
something. Oops.)
Read more from Jenna at https://jeninrome.wordpress.com/
Check out http://studyabroad.uark.edu/romecampus for more information on the U of A Rome Center: Summer Campus.