Since our trip was coming to an end soon it was time for community
day. Community Day is a fair that our university students put on for
the community of Dangriga. The health, social work, business, and
engineering teams all set up individual booths and had games relating to
their specific field for the students to come participate in. My job
at community day was to be a face painter. The kids went crazy over
it. I painted so many kids faces I can’t even count how many. My shift
was 2 hours and then someone relieved me. When I wasn’t paint faces I
hung out with the kids and played soccer with them. It was so fun and
see all the kids come from the different schools. A few kids even
recognized me from the classroom and called me Ms. Julie. Since
community day in Dangriga I started to realize that my amazing adventure
was about to end. All the students in Dangriga changed my life in many
ways. They are the sweetest kids I have met considering they have so
much less than kids in the United States. Working with these kids has
been such an amazing and humbling experience. I’m so thankful I got
this opportunity.