Only kidding, but here's a random list of observations I've made thus far about Australia that have surprised me:
- Nutella is cheaper, comes in huge containers, and is eaten by everyone.
- A "burger" could mean a beef burger, a chicken sandwich, a veggie patty, or a fish sandwich.
- "Barbecue" is a sausage or veggie patty served on a slice of bread with onions and tomato sauce (ketchup).
- Fries are chips; chips are crisps.
- McDonalds is Maccas, Burger King is Hungry Jacks, and the two of them plus KFC and Subway are everywhere.
- Froot Loops don't have blue loops, and Rice Crispies are Called Rice Bubbles.
- Pizza and chips/fries are served together, and Aussies and Brits are shocked to know that this is not an American thing.
- Starbucks is only in larger cities like Sydney.
Weather and Nature:
- "Winter" means high temperatures in the mid to high 60s. People wear winter coats even when it's 65-70 degrees Fahrenheit.
- The sun is brighter, the ocean is clearer, and the grass is (literally) greener (on the other side).
- Sunscreen comes in bulk containers. I bought a liter of it.
- Trees are huge. And I mean HUGE.
- Cosmetics are wildly expensive. A cheap tube of mascara is at least 20 AUD, or roughly $15.
- There are student discounts for EVERYTHING.
- Malls have grocery and big box stores along with the typical "mall" stores. You can take a cart full of groceries into a clothing store and no one will bat an eye.
- The paper money notes are different sizes and colors. Tiny coins may be worth a dollar or two dollars.
- There is no coin for one cent, so receipts include rounding differences.
- Sales tax is built into prices, so the price on the sticker is what you pay at the register.
- The number of bird species is incredible. Birds are way more
colorful and expressive here than in the States, and on top of that,
they are incredibly LOUD.
- Kangaroos are like deer in terms of population and movement patterns. They are like T-Rex deer in terms of build...think about it.
- Everything is done on "Aussie time," meaning everyone and everything is always 15-30 minutes late.
- "How you going?" is their way of saying "How are you" and "how's it going" at the same time.
- Everyone is friendly and helpful all the time.
- With roads, "Left is right and right is wrong." That seems simple
enough, but it's so confusing having to relearn how you cross a street!
(I try to take bridges over the street instead!)
- Clothes lines and "airers" are used in place of dryers.
- The music played on the radio, in stores, and at clubs is 90s-00s throwback.
- Everything seems to be more vibrant.
- Life is good in Oz. Life is very good.

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