So to kind of fill you all in, I will be traveling to Valencia, Spain to be a marketing intern at a firm there for 6 weeks, and I also added 3 weeks of just exploring Europe. So basically this is my DREAM come true! I have been dreaming of this since I was a little girl that watched Lizzie McGuire become a pop star in Italy for a school trip. Maybe I won’t become an international popstar in these next nine weeks, but it doesn’t hurt to day dream ~ this is what dreeeeaammsss are made of ~.
So currently I am smack dab in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean with 2372 km to go, and honestly this hasn’t hit me yet. Yes I cried as I left my family at the airport, but I don’t think I have processed that in 3 short hours, I will be on the other side of the world completely immersing myself in their language, culture, and life style, and while I am a native Spanish speaker, every country speaks their Spanish slightly different, so I hope not to say anything stupid and offend anybody lol. I know I’ve got the soccer part down of their culture, anybody that knows me knows that I love those Spanish soccer teams.
Right now as I await my arrival all I can think about are my expectations of this trip and these beautiful places I am about to visit. I know that my expectations and goals that I have, not only traveling but also professional goals, may seem out of reach, but I am sure I can do it, and if for some reason something goes wrong, I would rather it go wrong in a beautiful country like Spain than back home.
Well, that’s all I have for you now but T-minus 2 days until Paris, so stay tuned.
Read more from Gabriela at https://gjmolina.wordpress.com/
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within Walton College, visit http://walton.uark.edu/global/index.php