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12 July 2012

New studies link study abroad to on-time graduation | Inside Higher Ed

Think studying abroad will slow your graduation down? Think again!  According to this article below, even in a very highly structured major like engineering, students who study abroad graduate in a timelier manner than their peers who stay on campus. 

“These are experiences where students deepen their commitment to learning and they’re motivated to get on with life,” said Gayle Woodruff, Minnesota’s director of curriculum and campus internationalization. “They see a potential that may not have been there before. Study abroad really ignites a kind of deeper learning for students.”

But Mark Salisbury, assistant dean and director of institutional research and assessment at Augustana College, cites reasons to be skeptical of a causal link between study abroad and on-time graduation. He suggested that the link may be indirect – attributable to the process of planning for study abroad rather than the experience of study abroad itself.

“When a student decides to study abroad, the process they have to go through is actually somewhat long and complex,” Salisbury said. “If you can get a student to actually play along with that process, you foster their investment in their education.”

“Not only does the student have a fairly clear sense of the curricular path they’re going to take to graduation, they’ve also been forced to reflect on the question of, 'Why am I doing this program, why am I participating in this series of experiences?' ”