Office of Study Abroad Summer Hours
Exchange Student Pals Program
TEXT India Program May 1
End-of-the-Year Picnic May 3
Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) Certificate
Program May 21
Office of Study Abroad Summer Hours. As the semester winds down, we at the Office of Study
Abroad want to wish everyone good luck on your finals! On Monday, May 14 our
office hours will change to 8am-4:30pm Monday through Friday for the summer, so
if you need anything, we’ll still be here! Have a great summer break! And,
don’t forget, summer is a fantastic time to start thinking about future study
abroad plans. ;)
Exchange Student Pals Program. Want to get involved with international exchange
students on our campus this fall? Become a pal to a new incoming exchange
student for the semester or year! We’ll be sending out the Pals information
soon so STAY TUNED!
TEXT India Program May 1. If you're interested in going to India with The TEXT
Program in summer 2013 and/or if you want to learn about this oral history
project documenting the Tibetan people living in exile India, then you'll want
to be in Giffels Auditorium on Tuesday, May 1 at 7:00 p.m. to watch a 30-minute
documentary by one of the TEXT students, Bryan Campbell, called "Abroad
Horizon!" The film chronicles the experience of two of the students who
participated on last summer’s program. Hope to see you there!
End-of-the-Year Picnic May 3. Come out and enjoy the spring weather at the Study
Abroad Student Association (SASA) End-of-the-Year Picnic! Stop by for some free
food, cultural trivia (with prizes!) and fun on the lawn of the Office of Study
Abroad (722 W. Maple) on Thursday, May 3rd from 2-4pm!! This is also a great
time to find out how you can become a member of SASA! RSVP to our event on FB
Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)
Certificate Program May 21. Interested
in teaching English abroad? Check out the Spring International Language
Center’s TEFL Certificate Program here at the UofA! This program is specially
designed for new teachers, so it will be perfect for UA students wanting to try
their hand at teaching English for the first time. Dates are May 21-June 20, 2012 for first-timers.
For more information, visit: