Study Abroad Student Association (SASA) Info Meeting Friday April 6
Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) Certificate Program at UofA
Welcome Home the Fulbright Statue & Celebrate Senator Fulbright’s Birthday April 9
Discuss Study Abroad with Your Academic Advisor
Get Connected with Our Office
Study Abroad Student Association (SASA) Info Meeting Friday April 6.
*Want to get to know students who have studied abroad before embarking on your own trip?
*Excited to share about your past study abroad experiences?
*Interested in more information about how you can spend part of your college career in a different country?
Come to RZ’s Coffee at 4 pm THIS Friday, April 6, and have some coffee with us! If you’re a returning member, come find out more about upcoming events. If you’re new, come learn more about us! Apart from April events, we’ll have more information about our current openings for the executive positions of Secretary, Treasurer, and Social Events Coordinator!
Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) Certificate Program at UofA. Interested in teaching English abroad? Check out the Spring International TEFL Certificate Program at the University of Arkansas! This program is specially designed for new teachers, so it will be perfect for UA students wanting to try their hand at teaching English for the first time. For more information, visit:
Discuss Study Abroad with Your Academic Advisor. Now is the perfect time to plan ahead! If you haven’t already met with your academic advisor to talk about next year, make sure you mention that you want to study abroad and talk with him or her about how you can fit it into your academic plan!
Welcome Home the Fulbright Statue & Celebrate Senator Fulbright’s Birthday April 9. Join the J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences for the return of the Fulbright statue and BIRTHDAY CAKE to celebrate the 107th anniversary of Senator Fulbright’s birth. All are welcome. Please invite your friends and spread the word. Remarks will be made by Fulbright Scholars, including Chancellor David Gearhart, Fulbright Scholar at Oxford University, England, 1992. The event will take place on Monday, April 9, from 3:30-4:30pm at the west side of Old Main. We hope to see you there!
Get Connected with Our Office. Join us on Facebook ( and/or Twitter ( to stay up-to-date on deadlines, events, and other useful information and visit our blog ( featuring study abroad students writing about their experiences abroad.