10.13.22 Unpacking and Packing!
Last night, I arrived home from Morocco at around 11:30pm and immediately went to sleep after having a reunion party with K because I missed her so much. I woke up at 9:00am for my Spanish class, immediately followed by my Biochemistry class. Then I had a short break for lunch and painted my nails before my third and final class of the day. Then it was time to unpack from Morocco and repack for Mallorca. All of us from the Morocco trip had to rally and get it together for our 7:00am flight on Friday to Mallorca.
10.14.22 to 10.16.22 Mallorca!
10.14.22 K and I woke up at 5:30am to get ready and take the metro to the airport for our flight at 8:30am. When we arrived at the airport, we met up with our five other friends on this flight and sat for some coffee before boarding. The flight was less than 35 minutes from VLC to PMI. Upon our arrival we found a van to take all of us to our hotel, costing 6 euros a person. It was before 10:00am, so too early to check in but we were able to throw our bags into a storage room before heading down to the beach for breakfast. We ate at Restaurant 1955 and it was so good. Then we ran next door and grabbed some swimsuits for the beach.
After breakfast, we met our friend on a different flight at our hotel, Hotel Boogaloo, and were able to check into both rooms. Everyone got ready to go to the beach super quick. We made a huge towel using all of ours and then just lounged around for hours before heading home to get ready for sunset pictures on the beach. The pictures were so much fun and turned out beautiful.
For dinner, we headed to Bonito Kitchen, an asian fusion place. It was not the best. The food had no flavor and I ended up getting food poisoning and throwing up. Most of the group did not feel well after dinner so we all went back to the hotel for the night while the rest of the group went out and explored the night life.

10.15.22 Our group woke up at different times but we all headed back to Restaurant 1955 together for breakfast again because we loved the food and the waiter so much and he was working again! Breakfast was so much fun and the waiter was so funny! Then we all went home to prepare for our 4 hour boat ride around the island on Barco Samba. It was so much fun! The staff was so kind, the food was amazing, and the views were once in a lifetime. We were even able to jump off the boat multiple times and swim around in the ocean. It was so much fun and perfect for a girls weekend!
The cruise lasted from around 2:30pm to 6:30pm and we were all hungry after. We had to flag down a taxi, which is incredibly difficult here, there are like zero. Then we ran up to our rooms to change and get ready for dinner. Half our group ordered Kebabs while the other half went to a fancy Burger King. We met up after and decided to explore the nightlife of our district, El Arenal. It is considered the German tourist quarter of the island. It was a lot of fun to hang out with all my friends and walk the beach at night!

10.16.22 We all had a 10:40am flight this morning so we ate breakfast at the hotel (5 euros each) and went on the search for a taxi. We could not find one for the longest time so we split up our group. It took about 20 minutes of walking to find a taxi, but each group found one at the same time and made it to the airport on time and a little early. I think for any future large group trips relying on public transport we definitely need to pre plan and research a little more about the area so we aren’t panicking at the last minute.
The flight was super short and then we all took the metro to our desired stops. K and I arrived home around 12:30pm. After showering and eating lunch, we took a 5 hour nap and only woke up to eat dinner. We immediately went back to sleep after dinner and slept for another 12 hours. I was exhausted after two back to back mentally intense trips but my heart was full from all the memories.
10.17.22 to 10.18.22 Regular Days!
Monday and Tuesday were super normal class days. It was nice to have a little break and return to a routine. K and I rested and went to bed super early both nights and tried to sleep in as much as possible. I am glad to be back in Valencia for more than one day and to have time to call my friends plus spend time with K!
Read more from Margo at https://margospcom.wordpress.com/