Hi everyone! My name is Maggie Temofeew and I am also a senior honors
nursing student in Ghana for a few weeks! I am going to share some different highlights from my time here thus far.
I was at Afrikids for the first week in Bolgatanga. It is a clinic here in Bolgatanga. I have enjoyed it so much. My first day was spent with my friend Gracie in the maternity ward learning to detect a heartbeat, assess the position of the baby, and measure the fundal height! I loved this day because I have not had my OB clinical yet, so I did not know any of this before coming to Ghana. The women are so kind and eager to teach us as well as learn from what we know.
This is a picture of me finding fetal heart tones with Porcilla, a nurse at Afrikids! |
A baby who was handed to me in the maternity ward—so precious! |
One of my other favorite days at Afrikids was spent in the pediatric ward. I want to be a pediatric nurse someday, so this was an amazing experience. The matron, or charge nurse, showed me all of the supplies they use when starting IVs, what specific medication they use as protocol for malaria and other common diseases. They make do with so little in this country. It makes me so thankful for the resources we have in the US.
Here is a picture of the pediatric ward! |
My specific project on this trip was to test for and teach about anemia. We had a health fair for the community and I tested around 130 people with the help of my group. Many people were dangerously anemic and did not know it! I enjoyed getting to talk to them about how to increase iron in their diets and even had to refer some to the hospital. Besides the health fair, I tested almost 70 more at Amiah’s clinic.
Testing blood out in the community for anemia.
Testing blood out in the community for anemia. |
Maggie Temofeew is spending the summer 2019 term in Ghana with our
U of A Faculty-Led: Community Health Nursing in Ghana program.
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