I think that Alexis Brézet, Le Figaro's editorial
director, correctly described the situation: this massacre at the French
satirical magazine is the declaration on us of a war: the war of
"fanaticism against the West, Europe and the values of democracy".
am really convinced that pacifists Muslims should think about a critical relecture
of the Koran and another interpretation of it, in order to have an impact on
the instrumentalisation of the Koran by terrorists. We have been hit on our
secular nature, our democracy, our freedom of expression. And even if in
France, we went through events which have divided us (increased taxes, marriage
for everyone), today we are more than ever united. Even states leaders,
Muslims, Christians, Jewish, from all over the world are supporting us.
impact of this event is unbelievable, millions of persons are standing. I
feel embarrassed about the context of this sudden patriotism, but something
woke me up this day: I want to stand up with all my compatriots, and everyone
who's supporting us and say "Terrorists can't kill Charlie Hebdo's Ideas,
and even less our French democracy". Don't forget: we are stronger than
Lea, French Exchange Student