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10 September 2014

Meet One of Our #hogsabroad Peer Advisors!

Ciao!! Mi chiamo Amy Cosgrove.  I am a senior Communications major, Business minor at the U of A!  Last semester I had the incredible opportunity to study abroad in Viterbo, Italy with USAC.

My freshman year I made a four year plan.  The top of my list read, “Study Abroad in Italy!”  Although there were some challenges nailing down the details and final plan, now I remember this experience as the most incredible of my life.

Studying abroad allowed me the opportunity to have a total immersion experience in Italian culture.  The program challenged me to develop unique new skills and pushed me out of my comfort zone, which opened me up to a wide array of exciting experiences.  Attending school in Italy gave me the chance to focus on new friendships and develop a different perspective on life. One of the most touching experiences was working with an Italian kindergarten class teaching English. I spent an hour each week reading and playing games with them. Their favorite song was Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes. 

Now as a peer advisor I can’t wait to share my love of traveling with other students and get them started on crafting their own study abroad adventure!!