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20 August 2014

Learn More about the Gilman Study Abroad Scholarship!! #hogsabroad

The Gilman Scholarship offers funding for students who have been traditionally underrepresented in study abroad. If you are either currently receiving a Pell Grant or are Pell Grant eligible, this is a very promising way to get around $5,000 in funding for your study abroad program during the semester.  Typically 1 in 3 applicants are awarded grants for a semester/year study abroad, so it is VERY possible that you have a shot at funding too!

We at the Office of Study Abroad have a few information meetings coming up regarding the application process and wanted to share that, with a little information about the program (see details below). 

Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program Eligibility Requirements
For students applying for any academic term (Academic Year, Fall, Spring or Summer) please find the eligibility requirements below:
*         Enrolled as an undergraduate student at a two or four-year U.S. Institution
*         United States citizen
*         Receiving a Federal Pell Grant at the time of application or during the term of study abroad
*         Participating in a study abroad program that is no less than 4 weeks and no more than an academic year
*         Receiving academic credit
*         Study in any country not currently under a U.S. State Department Travel Warning or Cuba
Information Meetings:
Monday, Sept. 8th, 3:30-4:30 in JBHT 207
Friday, Sept. 19th, 12-1 in JBHT 207
Thursday, Sept. 25th, 3-4 in JBHT 207

For more information, please attend one of the informational meetings, visit the Gilman website at and contact our study abroad office at 575-7582 or