This post was actually written maybe a few weeks back, but I knew the days were getting nearer, so I prepared the post!
It is now almost midnight.. and I’m just working on my studying for now. I have been quite productive and have been straightening up, since time is almost running out.

It is now almost midnight.. and I’m just working on my studying for now. I have been quite productive and have been straightening up, since time is almost running out.
Coming to think of it, I don’t know where time left. It seems as if it was just the other day that I was here, and now it’s almost time to go home. There are not many things left to do, and as eager as I am to go home, I’m a teensy sad as well. Honestly, I never knew this opportunity would come for me, but it did. I expected for the days to come, and now it’s ending so fast eh? I think I was slowly getting to use to the way of life here as well~ Yet, I believe that there is no ending unless you choose to say goodbye.
I still have two weeks left, but I know it will zoom by before my eyes.. I had to honestly admit that when I first arrived here, I was really homesick and I really missed my family and friends, the daily, mundane activities. I felt sort of frustrated with the language barriers and the fact that I couldn’t express myself enough.. :(Not to mention I got lost numerous times. I felt frustrated with time differences and the lack of wifi.. :(
As much as I tried to adapt, I tried my best to find the positive in things. Yu, my buddy was someone I really appreciated during the times I was troubled. She was there for me when I arrived, and no matter how sad I was, she was always there for me. I am so lucky to have her as my buddy. I will miss her so~
Now, I’m sitting here and pondering on how I’ll miss bits and parts of Japan when I leave. I’ll miss the enthusiasm and super effort from the buddies .. I’ll miss my exchange buddies as well. I think it may seem as if I was sort of cold in the beginning, but as time went by, we all started to grow and attach to each other- like SHROOMS!! ahahahaha.. We were together most of the time, like little ducklings.. I will miss them so much. Who knows when we’ll ever see each other again~ But I’m not being pessimistic, the world is much smaller than it is. We’ll see each other somehow, someday again!!
I know some people are counting the days for me, the days where I’ll be home for Christmas. This year’s thanksgiving I know my parents will miss me so, or not. hahaha My friends will miss my weird, strange presence as well. This is my first year away, and since Thanksgiving is not a known holiday in Japan, the closest family I could have for Thanksgiving. Yet, I don’t mind, I’m thankful everyday for having the opportunity to be here, and being able to be a part of them. :)
When I return to the states, I know many things will change, and I will slowly go back to the ordinary things I usually do. I will meet my beloved friends, person, people who constantly kept in touch with me as I was away. I really look forward to seeing you all again, I really miss you all so much- you don’t even know! As much fun as I am experiencing here, you all are always on my mind. :)
This was my first time overseas, and sometimes, I think it’s all like a dream as the ending is getting nearer. Before I came here, I wonder what my initial purpose was for coming here. Besides the learning and the experiences, why was I here. In the beginning, I thought the answer was quite obvious.. Yet, I think God place me here for a reason. Through my 4 brief months here, I came to realize my potential purpose. I’ve realized that I have changed in many ways- for the good. Maybe I will not display the changes on here, but if you meet me again, you will clearly see.
My flight departs at 7pm in 2 weeks or so, and as I depart from Japan on my 13 hours flight, the ending will remain as a beautiful memory. Yes, I cannot say that it was easy adjusting to certain things, trying to learn the language, and all. After all, I have to admit that I am still not にほんごをじょうです, yet I can proudly say that I have improved much more than I would ever have had in the states. I am so happy and grateful to be given the chance to explore and experience the things I would have never had the chance to in the states. I will definitely miss some things in Japan~
Everyday as I ride the trains, besides sleeping, I always like to think about things. I cannot do that while I’m driving- I hate driving!! Hahaha, if only we had legit train systems where I could go anywhere and anytime I want to.. Just need my passmo card! haha I will also miss the convenient sizes that are perfect for me such as pants, shirts.. MM, American sizes never fit me.. The snacks and less amount of calories too hehehe, yeah those little things.
Well, thank you Japan you have been good to me. Until then, farewell to you, I’m sure we’ll meet again.