
The months have passed much faster than the days I have anticipated on coming here to Japan. During the past 2 months, I have to say that there have been many changes in me which I would have never had to experience in America.
Besides going to school, and learning Japanese every single day, I also try to put myself out there as I have mentioned in my earlier posts. Traveling to new places, trying new things, and blending in with Japan's culture and aspects of their mundane lifestyles; beyond that, I learn about their history and how Japan came to be where it's standing right now.
I am a cool samurai~ |
Temple in Asakusa |
Kabukki Plays Display in Edo Museum, Tokyo |
Loving our face imitations~ |
Zushi Sea with my Host parents! |
Recently, I have moved in a Japanese household. They are really nice to me, and living with them helps me to experience what life is like living in a Japanese household. To tell the truth, it isn't much different from my own home. When I first got to Japan I had to say that I was so homesick, but now, I'm ok. I enjoy the new environment and I try to keep in touch with my family and friends back home. :) Living within a Japanese household is really nice because we always have family quality time together. The other day my Japanese Dad took me to school, and I was really astonished on the fact that we had a conversation for the past 20 minutes! I felt so accomplished, even if it was in broken Japanese. Later in the day, they even took me to the beach near their hometown. It was very scenic and beautiful~
Well, the months are going by very fast. Pretty soon, I'll be home in America. Therefore, I'm going to try to absorb as much experiences if possible: Culture, history, fashion, food, people, you name it! :)
With my older Host Sister! |
Cafe by Zushi Sea |