I'll share many more pictures as the trip begins and progresses!
I’ve been a Fayetteville girl my whole life – born and raised – but I left to attend the University of Central Arkansas for my Undergraduate degree in 2003. I studied Spanish and English at UCA, and got my first taste of studying abroad in 2005 on a summer trip to Costa Rica. After Costa Rica I knew I hadn’t had enough of Latin America, so a group of friends and I quickly found another program for the following semester, and I ended up spending the summer of 2006 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Once I graduated, I was one more starry-eyed girl with an English degree, ready to take over the world with my Liberal Arts knowledge. So naturally, I ended up selling cell phones and t-shirts until I could escape to South America again, this time to teach English in Chile. I ended up teaching two semesters of English at a little technical college on the coast before coming back to Fayetteville to work at Tyson Foods. So far teaching in Chile has been the experience of a lifetime, but I look forward to filling my future with many experiences that will top it!
I’ve been back in Fayetteville for 2 and a half years, and I work in the IS Department at Tyson as a Training Specialist. I love being back home in Fayetteville and am having a great time working with Tyson and getting my master’s with the U of A. Although my time outside of studying and working is scarce, when I do have free moments I read, laugh, and enjoy the Arkansas seasons. If it’s nice weather, I can be found either reading alone or laughing with friends on a patio. In the cold weather I like to be curled up with a book next to a fire place. When I have lots of free time, I try to travel to South America. When I have just minutes of free time, I tend to dream of South America. Hence this trip to Brazil.
We leave in less than a week, and I did a “practice run” of packing all of my suitcases and running it up the stairs a couple times last night… my travel rule #1 is never pack a bag heavier than you can lift. J
I am thrilled to have this chance to share my experiences in Brazil on the U of A Study Abroad blog. The excitement of studying abroad for me is heightened by the location – if I could hand-pick a location to study international business issues, my first choice would be Rio de Janeiro. I can’t wait to learn more about how the American and Brazilian economic and corporate environments are related and how they work together – and how they differ. I hope that I can share with you a glimpse of how business is done differently on the international stage, and I also hope that I can convey the magic of South America that keeps drawing me back – heart, mind, and soul.