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18 February 2011

Frequent Flyer

NEW WCOB Exchange Program in Germany
Spring International Language Center Seeking Summer Student Ambassadors
Application Deadline for Summer UA Faculty Led Programs
NEW WCOB Exchange Program in Germany. We are happy to announce a new exchange program for business students to attend WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management in Germany! No German language skills required. Get your application in soon for the upcoming fall semester! For more information and to apply, visit:

Spring International Language Center Seeking Summer Student Ambassadors. Spring International Language Center, the intensive English language program at the University of Arkansas, is seeking student ambassadors for two summer international programs. The first institute is focused on Leadership and Women’s Empowerment for university women from Afghanistan (June 25 – July 16).  The second is a Leadership and Social Entrepreneurship for Iraqi university students (July 5 – July 29).  We are seeking two groups of ambassadors: female ambassadors for the Afghan women and coed ambassadors for the Iraqi students.  Ambassadors will be expected to spend time with students and attend a variety of activities.

Five UA students will also be needed to live in the residence halls with the participants.  Room and board for the length of the program will be covered.  A flat stipend will be paid to all student ambassadors.

  • Must be at least a Junior in college
  • Must have an interest in intercultural communication and education
  • Demonstrate maturity, responsibility, respect for diverse belief systems, and have strong interpersonal skills
  • Show cross-cultural sensitivity and a willingness to help students adjust to US campus life 
  • Overseas experience and/or Leadership experience preferred but not required

If interested in these programs, please submit your resume and a letter of interest to Alannah Massey at or 575-7600. 

Application Deadline for Summer UA Faculty Led Programs. March 1st
·         French in Chicoutimi:
·         French in Besançon:
·         Global India: 
·         International Writers Course in Galway:
·         Spanish in Puebla:
·         Spanish in Madrid:
As always, you may e-mail us at